Hellllo summer time and new possibilities! Here are a list of things I want and/or have to look forward to this summer!
1. Celebrating Jeanine and Scotts Engagement!
2. Movies in the park on Wednesday nights!!
3. Trying a new restaurant/coffee shop each month
4. Doing my own diet detox-- I am making up my own rules
5. Trip to Vail to mourn the loss of my 2010 IM dream and to celebrate new and old relationships
6. Family love in Eureka Springs (aka reunion)
7. Surviving yet another NIWeek
8. Going to NC to see old friends and a new life(baby Zack!)
9. Book group!
10. Surviving Austin heat
11. Trying to focus on getting healthy so I can run again.. I am losing my mind and my muscles.
12. Trying more yoga
13. Talk less, do more
14. Road trips
15. Go to a beach
16. Lake time with pops
17. Walking with mom
18. *open to possibility – something fabulous and far away*
19. *open to possibility – something sweaty*
20. *open to possibility – something fun*