September 26, 2008

Lean like a cholo

Happy Friday!

So I always have minor aches and pains because I am old and I challenged my body every day, twice a day for like 20 years! But I am pretty weak these days and decided to do a weight class yesterday. I felt a slight pain in my back when we were doing some funky lunges but the pain went away and I was fine for the rest of the day. I went to the grocery store last night (yes I am a winner) and in the span of less than an hour I went from being fine to walking to my apartment, with groceries in hand, leaned over like a hunch back. ha ha ha I couldn't stand up straight or lie down straight :) I figured that I might be ok this morning..... WRONG.

Now it hurts to bend over and I cant sit for long and I have some sort of weird lean going on. Like I stood up today and looked in the mirror and my upper body leans to the left :) Something is not right :) I know I always look awkward but now I just look like a side leaning hutch back with a corn cob up her bum :) I'm a mess. Hopefully I can get into the doc today. It is funny because my dad as a check up appointment this morning with his back dude (he got surgery 2 weeks ago) and so now they will get to see both of us today. Like father, like daughter.

BUT all I know is I am going to the Texas/Arkansas game tomorrow even if someone has to wheel me in using a wheel chair!! And dont worry everyone I am wearing neutral colors and am supporting both teams :) I am supposed to go to an Austin/Arkansas alumni party tonight but I cant go leaning like a cholo. Wish me luck!

Love you all!


Mandy S said...

awwww!!! leanin', huh?! well, hope you're back is ok! i saw your blog address on facebook, so i added you to my "blog friend" list. i'm at' out the blog thing, too.!

Unknown said...

So when A&M and Arkansas play next year are you going to wear neutral colors and support both teams...